The Yellow Sign - November 10 - November 13, 2022

The Yellow Sign

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Comments from the Premiere:


Scott Warren

Some friends and I drove from Louisville to attend this joyous gala. Now the theme song is dancing around my head like a Maypole of gristle and sand. The allusions to bejeweled Carcossa took flight in my soul like the winged murder of a flock of Byakhee! While one could heartily endorse the galumphing of HIS glorious pseudopods; I find that the after-dreams merited the drive alone. Join us all in celebrating a play that the men of Leng are calling, "Positively Cthonic in its obfuscated tenebrae!"
I drove 2 1/2 hours to see this play last night and would do so again today if I could. Based on The King in Yellow by Robert Chambers, it is by turns odd, disturbing, brilliant, and magnificently flawed. It is an original production by an ambitious playwright and it has only two more performances. Go tonight or tomorrow.
You must find The Yellow Sign.
Istra Performing Artist 
This was an amazing experience! Definitely worth the drive from Louisville and this part especially inspired some future performance material for me and my dance troupe! 

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