The Yellow Sign - November 10 - November 13, 2022

The Yellow Sign


So many thanks...

For me (Chris) I want to start by thanking my beloved wife Bridget, who has put up with so much of my weird imagination and goofy ideas over the years, but has always been supportive. I know that I can trust your criticism, because it comes from love. This would never have happened without you.


After that, the list is long. I have thanked the cast and crew so many times, for auditioning for a play that they knew nothing about, for sticking around after they discovered how strange it was, for being enthusiastic, and talented, and flexible.


To the Playhouse in the Park staff and board, both for keeping community theater alive in Murray and being receptive to a 'non-standard' play on their stage. Your support and help with the use of the facilities, ticket sales and promotion are greatly appreciated.


To the short but treasured list of friends involved in the first drafts of this play, and to those who came to the stage reading and gave such great feedback! I was encouraged and corrected immensely by you, and this is a far better play now than it was originally.


To my family. My kids, who watched this happen and jumped in at various places to provide help, guidance and talent. Always positive, always encouraging. Your names are already in this book, due to your work and talent. Now it is your turn to do something you never thought you could.


To my sister, Donna, and her family. Your experience and encouragement was another major step along this road. Aaron suggested we do a reading of the play, and everyone took a part and read it for me. So encouraging and so helpful. Mallory was my original Cassilda, and helped me to define that role. Tyler was always so enthused and positive, it was hard not to believe it was worth producing.


To my co-workers at MCCH. Besides being willing to take on extra shifts so I could have the time off I needed to do this, you were always interested and encouraging, and I hope that the play has been worth it for you, as well.


Original Music Credits:

All original music was recorded at Murray State University sound studio by Justin Patton.


Cassilda's Song - Lyrics by Robert W Chambers, Music by Katelyn Johnson.

                         Piano - Katelyn Johnson.


Cassilda's Lament - Original Arrangement by Christopher Poor, with appreciation                                to Richard Wright and Clare Torry. 

                          Piano - . Slide Guitar - Brent Webster, Percussion - , Vocals - .


Cassilda's Entrance - Saxophone - Corey White.


Sound Effects Generator - Used by special arrangement.


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