A Note from the Music Director
What a privilege to vocally coach such an amazing cast then get to share the stage with you! I am humbled and honored!
To the directors and production team, thanks for letting me wear multiple hats and for patience in juggling them.
To the dance troupe and my "boys", thanks for being flexible and persevering even when you weren't sure you could handle what I asked of you.
To Susan and Martha, you WERE born with it!
To Phil, your smile and laughter helped us do it, now relax and let yourself go!
To Judy, you truly have become my sister, stretching me, encouraging me, and always making us a better team.
And to Bob, you make it so easy for a girl to feel awkward, offended, anxious, swept away, heartsick, angry, nervous and in love all over the course of a couple hours. You are one of the blessings I count!