Elizabeth Woods (Lead), Emma Woods (Assistant), Norcostco (Rental), Shelley Noe (Seamstress), Cheryl Quickert, Jennifer Rieth, Jillian Stein, Cast Members
Prop Masters
Alethea Coffee, Lisa Lyon
Furniture & Props
Crossing Camp and Conference Center, Gallrein Farm, Goodwill Shelbyville, Kentucky Country Day, Sammy's Bakery, Lou and Dayle Simms, Some Where in Tyme, Wang's Jewelry, Cast Members
Script Supervisor
Cheryl Quickert
Lighting Design
Kevin Whitt (Lead), James Russell Cooper
Audio-Visual Crew
Kevin Whitt (Lead), Luke Clark, Zac Whitt
Spotlight Operators
Donna Curtsinger, Joshua Rieth
Lori Potts (Lead), Cheryl Quickert, Elizabeth Irvin (pre-show consultant), Sandra Gabhart