13/Becoming A Man
Evan, Company
The Lamest Place In The World
Hey Kendra
Brett, Malcom, Eddie, Lucy, Kendra
Evan, Company
Get Me What I Need
Archie, Company
Lucy, Cheerleaders
What It Means To Be A Friend
All Hail The Brain/Terminal Illness
Evan, Archie, Company
Getting Ready
Archie, Evan, Brett, Eddie, Malcolm, Lucy, Kendra, Patrice, Cassie, Charlotte, Molly, Richie, Simon
Any Minute
Brett, Lucy, Patrice, Archie
Being A Geek
Evan, Rabbis
Bad Bad News
Eddie, Malcom, Simon, Richie
It Can't Be True
Lucy, Molly, Cassie, Charlotte, Eddie, Malcolm, Richie, Simon
If That's What It Is
Archie, Patrice, Evan
A Little More Homework
Evan, Company
Brand New You
Cassie, Charlotte, Molly, Company
There will be a ten minute intermission between the songs "Getting Ready" and "Any Minute".
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