1st Annual Symposium - August 16

The Frank Ridge Memorial Foundation, Inc.

 Today's Program 


 12:30 - 1:00 pm

Register, mingle, view the art for auction & nosh!



1:00 - 2:30 pm

The Main Event:  "Let's Talk About It,"

a lively panel conversation with

Tracy Silva Barbosa, Jackie Chasen, Edward Jacob (E.J.) Kritz,

Julie Ridge, Amy Threet,

Dr. Andrew Feinberg as Panel Psychiatist &

Amy Feinberg as the Moderator.


Panelists will address how their various mental

health conditions impact on their lives and their loved ones. 


Questions from our guests.



2:30 - 2:45 pm

Register for the live auction &

get your bidding paddles.



2:45 - 3:30 pm

Let the Bidding Begin!

Anita Hollander as the Auctioneer.



3:30 - 4:00 pm

Collect your winnings,

make your optional donations &

bid your goodbyes and farewells to old and new friends!




"Never give up on someone with a mental illness.

When 'I' is replaced with 'we,' illness becomes wellness."

Shannon L. Adler




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