1st Annual Symposium - August 16

The Frank Ridge Memorial Foundation, Inc.

 End Notes 

The Frank Ridge Memorial Foundation, Inc.

was established in December of 2013.


Our 501(c)3 not-for-profit organization is dedicated to

living well with mental health conditions through awareness and understanding.  We endeavor to accomplish our mission by:


~  Delivering series of learning seminars to enhance greater understanding of various mental health disorders entitled Connecting Dots.

~  Offering meaningful part-time employment to individuals

managing mental health concerns.

~  Assisting in the sale of art created by people

living well with mental health issues.

~  Maintaining a user-friendly, resource-rich website which includes: recommendations for literature and films that accurately and compassionately portray mental health conditions; recommendations for up-to-date websites and referral sources; and reliable hotline numbers for those at risk of suicide.


Highlights of 2015:

By year's end we will have hosted:

several Connecting Dots 5-part seminar series,

seminars on Suicide Prevention and

our 1st Annual Symposium.

We became a State approved provider of

Continuing Education Credits for LMSWs and LCSWs.

We earned our first grant:

Thank you Broadway Cares/Equity Fights AIDS!!


 What's coming in 2016?

We will host several Connecting Dots seminar series.

To respond to popular demand, we will develop and offer a

Connecting Dots II seminar series for participants who have completed

Connecting Dots and have requested a sequel.

Plans for our 2nd Annual Symposium,

(tentatively scheduled for Sunday, August 7th)

are already underway!


Your contributions allow us to continue our work. 

We thank you for your support!



[Back cover photos: Frank Ridge on his first set of wheels in 1926; Frank in Paris during WWII; Frank & Julie Ridge biking across America in 1990 (by Walter Calahan); Frank parachuting from an airplane at 89 years of age.]

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