Cast Members
Andrew Rally, LA Actor
Peter Newman
Deirdre McDavey, Andrew's Girlfriend
Kalika Rose
John Barrymore, The Ghost
Jeffrey Baumgartner
Felicia Dantine, Andrew's NY Real Estate Agent
Zoe Sjogerman
Lillian Troy, Andrew's NY Talent Agent
Ann Steed Carver
Gary Peter Lefkowitz, Andrew's Hollywood Agent
Andy Ricci
Knight in Shining Armor
Knight Sir Bucksport
Play Synopsis
Andrew Rally's Hollywood career takes a turn when his TV sitcom is canceled. A now out-of-work actor, he is convinced by his NY talent agent, Lillian Troy, to play the revered role of Shakepeare's Hamlet in New York's Central Park. NY Real Estate Agent, Felicia Dante, leases an apartment for Andrew that was once the home of famous stage and silver screen legend, John Barrymore. While Andrew's girlfriend, Deirdre McDavey, along with Lillian and Felicia, are in awe of Shakespeare and Barrymore, Andrew is not impressed and fears he's made the mistake of his career. Against Andrew's better judgement, Felicia holds a seance to summon the late Barrymore, who soon thereafter appears. Only visible to Andrew, Lillian, and Gary, the hilarity unfolds as Barrymore begins to tutor Andrew on what it takes to play a successful Hamlet on stage. At first resistant, Andrew begins to learn the thrills of being a stage actor, much to the consternation of Gary, his Hollywood Agent, who has secured Andrew a pilot TV show with a guarantee payout of $3 million. Whether Andrew goes for the big pay day, or continues to pursue a stage career becomes his final challenge.