Broadway Comes to Briarwood - November 20 - November 22, 2014

The Briarwood School


A note to my Seniors, and this entire cast and crew….


YOU DID IT….YOU PRESSED FORWARD, EVEN THROUGH ADVERSITY…  This family unit has endured many challenges over the past few months, but you are still here, still committed to the task that was set before you, still standing… This should be a lifetime reminder to you: to be strong in all of life’s circumstances and challenges that come your way…ENDURE TIL THE END. 


Ms. A loves you, is proud of you, and wishes you all the best

in all you set out to do…




And this note is to the creative and talented up and coming actors and tech crew: As our veterans are setting out on new adventures, writing their next chapters of life, it is my prayer that you, who are still here, continue to explore and nurture your creativity in sincere and positive ways.  You are all truly gifted and talented.  Shine like the stars you are in whatever makes your heart content.  Live out loud and let the world know you as you are…..






Ms. Linda Decker

Stephen Hambright

Mr. Joe Harrison

Coach Jean Horn

Mr. Melvin Krezer

Mrs. Rachel Krezer

Ms. Liz Mendez

Pelayo Parlade

Mrs. Cindy Price

Brian Rooney

Mr. Alberto Santos

Mrs. Debbie Schultz

Mrs. Annie Seay

Mrs. Judie Shelhamer

Mrs. Janet TerLouw

Mr. Xavier Trevino

Mrs. Mary Whalley

Mrs. Toni White

Mrs. Carole Wills


 Epiphany of the Lord Catholic Community - Youth Ministry

(Dave Clark & Joey Harvey)

Mustang Choir Parents & Parents of the Cast and Crew

Drama Mamas and Papas Booster Club



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