Ms. Lacey, Ms. Lennon, and Ms. Shams and the Beacon Staff for trusting us to make great work without censorship. Erdene Greene, Frank Willow-Rogers, Chun Hom, and Esther Gross for administrative support, help with printing, computers, paper etc.
Joe, and the fabulous sixth floor maintenance crew for helping take care of our spaces, even when we're messy beasts. We're so sorry about the music lab. Sargent Thomas and Building Security for keeping us safe.
Kevin Jacobs for letting us borrow some gear and not minding so much when we kicked a ball in the Hudson River.
Ivy Aukin for pitching this play to me three years ago. Ivy, you were absolutly right, this play is amazing.
Ben August for his enthusiasm and cherished support of our community but also for recognizing that this work is worthy of gym credit. Now our company can get some work done during the day (or take a nap!) because really, we built a theatre in our theatre and did burpies everyday. The hustle is real. And next time? We're gonna make it rain ya'll!
All of our advisors and friends and teachers, especially staff who carved a little time out of the busy end of quarter week to see our show. We're so thankful you're here. Especially, Beacon Theatre Studio Classes for helping pinch-hit in the end and always being the first butts in seats.
Lucy Aronoff and Rose Davidson for making the beautiful team logo, in addition to their other ten jobs.
Jeff at Ultimate Impressions for making our foxy uniforms, featuring said wolfy logo!