Into the Woods - April 19 - April 21, 2018

The Beacon School


Ms. Lacey, Mr. Stroud, Mr. Mitchell & the rest of the Beacon Staff for trusting us to make great work without censorship.


Erdene Greene, Frank Willow-Rogers, Chun Hom, Danny Markovic, and Esther Gross for administrative support, help with printing, marketing, computers, paper, space etc. etc.


Super Joe of the sixth floor crew for helping take care of our space, our stuff, and always finding things we inevitably loose.


Sgt Thomas and Building Security for keeping us safe and cheering us on!

We love you all SO STINKIN’ MUCH!


Ms. Elliott, Ms. Diran, Ms. Lacey & Ms. Reed for letting Hawa stalk them with a microphone and lending their very special voices to our giant.


Brian Letiecq for letting us borrow the double bass and the foxy keyboard. Kate Reed for the Keiji Cam! Ali Merkel for the Sleeping Beauty Dress! Rachel Rattcliff for being the best neighbor and cheerleader ever!


Linda Hassani, not only for Nils, but also for orchestrating weekly donations of hundreds of books, beautiful clothes, hats and shoes of her dear friend Mrs. Renate Nash. Thank you Linda! Thank you Mrs. Nash! We hope you love the show and see so many familiar things on stage!


Daniel Power, of the Beacon PA, who not only helps fundraise but also donated used lighting equipment that helps us grow our collection of instruments. Look up everyone - that front row of lights above your heads! There’s six new ones! YAY!!!!


Jacqueline Deval, also of the Beacon PA, who made online ticketing possible! We’re thrilled to need ushers and to have safer and more secure accounting because of your help!


B'DAT Parents who volunteered extra time - and time away from being IN the house - to help navigate our new box office system. So appreciated!


B’DAT families for baking for bake sales but also for donating generously to our productions directly. I wish I could shout all of you out personally, so you can see exactly where your donation landed. Because of your gifts we built this set AND will have orchestra mixers to keep for years to come!


Isaac Brune for donating his time and helping his dad, David Brune, teach our fantastic crew how to build and assemble our woods.


David Brune for being the best city thrifter EVER. This season team Cimato & Brune scored about $10,000 of used stage equipment, tools, backdrops, raw materials and about 20 cases of free books from the Public Theatre. Total cost to B’DAT about one $500 bake sale. David. You’re a superhero. Really.

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