Ms. Lacey, Mr. Stroud, Mr. Mitchell & the rest of the Beacon Staff for trusting us to make great work without censorship.
Musical Theatre International for trusting that we could honor this wonderful play.
Erdene Greene, Frank Willow-Rogers, Chun Hom, Danny Markovic for administrative support, help with printing, marketing, computers, paper, space, moral support and big love.
Super Joe on the 6th Floor, and the rest of Building Maintenance for forgiving and assisting our trespasses, especially after late rehearsals or shows
Sgt. Thomas and Building Security for keeping us safe and cheering us on!
Kim Elliott for supporting our company, sharing our spaces and always knowing exactly what to say. <3
Mary McCann & Neil Pepe for offering technical support when we needed it most.
B’DAT families for donating generously to our productions directly to help cover essential costs of things like paint, building materials, rented sound gear, or show specific costumes and props.
Lettitia Clarke, not only for her magical son, but also for her cap and her service.
Tegan Miller and Assaf Gleizner for not only being our music anchors, but also for being utterly delighted to see Carmen wear Tegan’s wedding gown! (oh wait, is that a spoiler?)
Jessica Radin for the baby carrier, and Rachel Ratcliffe, for not only being our sixth floor “roommie” with the biggest heart but also for finding needed props at the last minute.
Clara Napolitano, for spending so much of her winter break supporting this project in so many ways. THANK YOU!
B’DAT Alum who traveled to be here. We’re so happy to see you and hope to make you proud.
Emily Lucas for jumping in to sew a few things at the last minute! We promise we WILL clean up the costume lab.
Beacon Theatre Studio Classes for helping pinch-hit in the end and always being the first butts in seats!
Eibhilin O'Reilly for helping with photos and the Box Office, and lots of other things too.
All the B’DAT at Large Peeps who helped along the way a sincere hug and we’ll getcha next time.
All of the parents, friends and families too. Your patience and support is most appreciated.
And finally, a special shout out to The Beacon Parents Association for generously supporting our Teaching Artists and making the Beacon Theatre Department possible. We simply would not be here without their unyielding support.