Mr. Streep, Ms. Lacey, Ms. Oldre & the rest of the Beacon Staff for trusting us to make great work in the drama studio without censorship.
Judy Moore, Frank Willow-Rodgers, Danny & Chun for administrative support, help with priting, marketing, computers, paper, space, moral support and big love.
Brian Letiecq for gear and love. Dale Lally & the Grey Gardens Gang for sharing crews, cubes and everything else inbetween.
Rachel Rattcliffe, John Linsky, Denise Lee, Sarah Fink, Collene Walsh, Laurie Adelman, Rebecca Daczka and Danielle Moreau for permitting B'DAT to share your teaching space afterschool and for forgiving us when we left a mess (or a love note for you, on the boards).
Sabine Janssen for connecting us with Sarah Ruhl and carring our love back and forth - better than traveling via worm, or breath, I'm sure.
Mike Cimato for rehabbing the vintage tricycle so that it looks and moves like magic.
Victoria Chatfield and Elizabeth Catfield, her super cool mom, for express shipping some period costumes at the last possible second.
Lauren Cohen for driving to Bensenhurst at 10PM to get that dang water pump!
Fiona Socolow for loaning us her fly stilts.
All of the B'DAT families who shopped off of our wishlist and helped supply everything from make up removal wipes to fancy schmancy glow tape and theatrical light bulbs.
All of the B'DAT folk who stocked bake sales with epic yumminess and helped us raise duckets for costumes and supplies.
B'DAT Show Choir, Freshman Project and Studio Classes for helping raise money, assemble platforms and being a great audience.
Any one who helped us run lines, catch up on work, or reminded us to eat.
All of our friends and advisors who've supported our work on this production!
We love you!