Annie Jr. - May 10 - May 11, 2013

The Anderson School


For starters: big thanks to our administration for helping us realize our vision:


It takes a brave principal to give the go-ahead to two quirky music nerds teachers who may or may not know what they're getting themselves into. You always listen to our grand schemes and believe in us when it comes to enacting them. Thank you, Ms. Hyde, for believing we could get the job done. It helped that you sent the entire cast and crew to see Annie on Broadway. What a wonderful experience that was!


Mr. Schliessman, you are master of all things schedule and Googledoc extraordinaire. You helped us figure out the logistics of space and time and worked as inter-school liaison. For this and much more we are grateful.


And here comes Mrs. Jordan to save the day! Proofreader, carpenter, creative solutionist, donater of free time, and overall go-to person for this project. You assuage our worries while simultaneously keeping us on track. Thank you for all you are.



An artistic vision needs an artist: enter Vahan Nahabedian. Most set designers would do just that: design the set. You did something more powerful: you guided our students to do it. You used 50 minutes a week in an elective to organize the students and advise them and look at the beautiful result. Of course it's a huge job so you stayed in after school and came in on weekends. Thank you for your time and your sense of community.



Cheese! The professional quality headshots you see in this playbill were done free of charge by Kim Seung Estes. We thank him for his fine work and hope members of our community will contact him at for further business!



Thank you to Frank Felix and the custodial staff for helping us with technical issues, clearing the stage, and just being an easy bunch to work with. Yes, we need the key again. Yes, ALL this goes to the garbage. SORRY! And through it all you smiled.



The parents of Anderson students are the best. You grabbed the bull by the horn with costumes, props, and makeup. Thank you for your support.



To our amazing stage crew: you are a well-oiled machine. You keep order backstage and never miss a beat. You wear sets of keys fashionably. You make lists better than anyone we know. You're perfect.



Lights, camera, action! The Anderson School Theatre cast of Annie Junior is a motivated group of young actors with more creativity and spunk than any we've met. You were fun to direct and will be a great pleasure to watch on stage this time and through the years. We have to stop before we cry. Thank you for being you.



Love, Ms. Sarah, Mr. Shaheen, and Ms. Cantone

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