Marissa Alvarez
as Cinderella
Marissa, a sophomore, is making her debut on the TCS stage. She performs with the Temple Ensemble and Choir, as well as her church choir. She enjoys volleyball, softball, basketball, and is a member of NHS. She received the award for Outstanding Soprano for HS Choir. Marissa plans to attend college, and her life verse is Jeremiah 29:11.
Caulder Stapleton
as Cinderella
Sophomore Caulder Stapleton is returning to the TCS stage. She was in the chorus of "Anything Goes" and had the lead role of Kim McAfee in "Bye Bye Birdie." She is involved in dance, cheerleading, Ensemble, Youth & Government and the worship teams for her church and school. She is a CLC and NHS member. College is in Caulder's future plans, and her life verse is Jer. 29:11.
Emily Bacon
as Fairy Godmother
Junior Emily Bacon is new to the TCS stage. Her experience includes drama classes, singing with her church choir and all city choir, as well as performing in a puppet ministry. She is an A-student who is a member of NHS, Christian Leadership Council, and the Ladies Ensemble. Her future plans include attending West Coast Baptist College to become a teacher/missionary in Peru. Her life verses: 1 Cor. 6:19-20
Katelin Schellhorn
as Stepmother
Katelin is a junior. She was in last year's production of "Bye Bye Birdie." She participated in the TAPPS Academic meet, as well as Choir, Ensemble, and solo competitions. Katelin plans to earn a degree in Psychology at UT Austin then continue on to graduate from UTLaw. Her life verse is Job 2:10.
Morgen Breckenridge
as Grace
Senior Morgen Breckenridge is making her acting debut on the TCS stage. She was our Stage Manager for the last two TCS productions, but we are pleased to have Morgen stepping into the spotlight. In her sophomore year she was the TCS Mascot, and she has been in the TCS Choir and Ensemble. She plans to attend DBU to earn her teaching degree. Morgen's life verse is Isaiah 41:10.