Tawney Minks
as Grandma Addams
Tawney Minks has performed for the local audience for the last four years on our stage. She performed in MUSIC MAN, was a Wickersham brother in SUESSICAL THE MUSICAL, and was an understudy in CINDERELLA. Tawney was even a child actor in OKLAHOMA. She has performed in several music ensembles and will continue to do so in the future. She would like to thank her friends, family, and teachers for their love and support over the years.
Darrian Ippolito
as Pugsley Addams
Darrian is a freshman in his second year of THS musicals, having played Winthrop Paroo in THE MUSIC MAN. He also played the role of Tourist Man in THE BROTHERS O'TOOLE at TJHS. Darrian is a member of Student Council, Key Club, Band, and Scholastic Bowl and he also participated in Boys Soccer and Bowling this year at THS. He would like to thank Mr. Chase and Mrs. Fergin for giving him this opportunity to be a part of the THS Musical.
Marcus Wilkins
as Lucas Beineke
Marcus Wilkins has performed for three years in drama club in junior high and many years of speech contests. He was in the musical in the third grade but this is his first year with a lead role. He plays Lucas Beineke and is the understudy for Gomez Addams. His main passion is the alto saxophone and studies with Dr. Perry Rask at Milikin University.
Izzy Miller
as Alice Beineke
Izzy is very excited to be in her first THS musical! Izzy is a sophomore and is involved with concert choir, Tommy TV, and band. She is very active at the Little Theatre on the Square in Sullivan, IL. Some of her favorite roles include Mayzie (SUESSICAL, Jr.), Spot (NEWSIES), Duffy (ANNIE), and Fiona (SHREK, Jr.). She takes guitar, voice, acting, and dance lessons. Izzy would like to thank her parents for all of their support and gas money!