This year's production would not have been possible without the help of many people. The cast and crew of Check Please would like to recognize these individuals for their help in pulling together resources to allow this play to happen.
Dr. Shelly Mize - For brainstorming and deciding that Tarrant needed a Drama Club.
Mr. Darius McKay - For supporting the production and its multiple fundraisers.
Dr. Sherlene McDonald - For allowing us to use her school after hours.
Amber Pope - For stepping in and helping out when no one else could.
Al Bobba - For helping us everyday to get into our rehearsal space.
Jamie Roddy - For allowing us to use her gym.
Mary Neely - For helping us with technical issues.
Donna Myrick - For helping us learn the ins and outs of the stage and its workings.
Ingrid Abner - For helping behind the scenes with small details.
Mary Gressman - For being an amazing salesperson and fundraiser to support us.
James Vaughn & crew - For helping us set up the sound and focus the gym lights.
Sonya Glasscock - For being flexible and helping us with deposits at the last second.
Logan Watson and Mr. Watson - For allowing us to use their truck and time to collect supplies.
Jonathan Flakes - For being flexible on time with actors in the band.
Jan Bailey - For providing space for the actors to work.
To everyone who allowed us and trusted us to use their material as props. To all of you, thank you for your belief in us and this show.
Lastly, we would like to acknowledge the audience for taking the time to come and join us in the festivity that is Theater. Welcome and Bon Appetite!