The Wandering Israeli - September 10


 Who's Who 

  • Elad Shippony head shot

    Elad Shippony

    Actor/Writer. Elad Shippony, born in Beer Sheva, embarked on his first big adventure at the age of three when his parents immigrated to Los Angeles. He has been wandering ever since. After finishing High School, Elad returned to Israel, served in the Israeli Army as a lone soldier, and upon his discharge from the army, Elad traveled the world extensively. When he settled down with his wife on a Kibbutz, and after a short stint in the Hi-Tech industry, Elad decided to continue his travels by creating "The Wandering Israeli" stage show and performing extensively with the show over 600 times across Israel.

  • Sagi Eiland head shot

    Sagi Eiland

    Guitar, harmonica and vocals. Sagi has been a soloist and ensemble player for studio singers, bands such as 'תנועת המרי' and performed in various shows with other artists including Geva Alon, Rad Bend, Mika Sadeh, and the show “שדות ירוקים” with Susie Miller and Moni Arnon among others. He performed in his own show sharing the music of Bob Dylan,”שגיא איילנד שר ומספר בוב דילן”. He founded TonePedia a startup designed to permit customers to sample sounds of instruments online. He spent five years performing with a partner in ”רני ואיילנד” and participated in the second season of the TV show The Voice. He is now completing work on his second album, self-produced. Sagi has two degrees from Tel Aviv University - a degree in history and film and an MBA.

  • Eran Edri head shot

    Eran Edri

    Percussion. Eran studied percussion with David Rich, African music percussionist Chen Meyer, and Yair Dalal and at Bar Ilan University. He performed with "טררם"in Israel and abroad with several African music ensembles ("מרקדון", "ג'בארה", "דגאמבה ג'אם","אפריקה"). He performed with the show "בדרך אל הלב" with musician Golan Azulay. He also performs in youth and adult plays written by Nili Gefnan.


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