This show combines the unique and varied talents of over 100 students and staff members. The entire organization would like to say a very special thank you to the following:
For your continued support and encouragement:
Mr. Raymond Kinder, Superintendent
Mr. Stephen Toth, Assistant Superintendent
Mrs. Ruthann Gardiner, Director of Special Education
Mr. Thomas McCabe, High School Principal
Mr. Ray Lenhart, Assistant High School Principal
Mr. Christopher Czapla, Middle School Principal
Mr. J.J. Fasnacht, Elementary Principal
Mrs. Laura Shook, Assistant Elementary Principal
TASD Board of Education.
The parents and teachers of all of our students for their cooperation, patience, and understanding of the huge time commitment necessary for the success of the production.
The TASD Custodial Staff
Holly Koscak, Charlotte Yorgey, & Randa Hull for helping with costume alterations.
Holly Koscak for organizing the concesssion stand.
Lauri Miller & Susanne Hegedus for all of the time spent ironing the costumes.
All parents who helped with ironing and altering the costumes, donated to the concession stand, and volunteered their time in the lobby.
Kelly McGlinchey for taking and uploading the playbill headshots.
Casey Lutz Photography for our publicity photographs and show posters.
Ruth Gardiner for the countless hours spent working on the set. The set looks awesome thanks to you!
Kris, Hannah, and Molly Betz for creating the curtain call slide show presentation.
Erika Cassell for our choreography and for assisting with casting.
Celeste Franko for making show buttons.
Robert Livingston for printing our show shirts.
Amy Delpais for organizing our trips to the radio stations and our various fundraisers.
Melanie Ross of the Tamaqua Station Restaurant for allowing us to borrow show furniture. We appreciate it so very much!
Lynn & Mark Deiter for allowing us to borrow your chair again.
Leona Rega & Kyle Whitley for assisting us in securing the location for our photo shoot.
Jason Homyak for the water donation.
All family, friends, teachers, and community members who supported our various fundraisers throughout the year.
All community businesses who sponsored us, donated to this production, and allowed us to advertise for the show in their businesses.
Steph Gyuricsek for her time and talents.
A huge thank you to all audience members for attending our production and supporting our efforts. We hope to see you again at our next show, Mary Poppins, on March 23rd & 24th, 2018.