The Crucible - November 21 - November 22, 2014

Tamaqua Area High School


I am extremely proud of each and every student in this cast. We took on this very difficult show, and all of you committed yourselves to doing what needed to be done to ensure this show's success. I am impressed at the level of dedication and maturity I witnessed over the last three months. Many of you sacrificed hours and hours of your time for line memorization, and all of that hard work shows now. Throughout this process, I have witnessed all of you grow as performers, as students of literature, and as an organization. I am so proud of how far you have come, and I know that this foundational show will serve us well in the future. Thank you for believing in the vision and for your cooperation, respect, and enthusiasm. You make my job so rewarding. I look forward to working with all of you on future productions. 


I would like to extend my gratitude and thanks to all of the parents who have offered their time, resources, and support in preparation for this show. Your involvement is so important to the overall success of everything we do. 


Stage "Cru"- Thank you for being so dedicated to the success of this show and for being so helpful. I have been impressed with your enthusiasm and work ethic and am grateful that we have such an outstanding group of students to make this show seamless. You are greatly appreciated by all of us.


Mark- Thank you for your support and understanding throughout this process. Your words of encouragement mean more to me than you can know.


Carolyn- Thank you for all of your hard work on the set. Your hand-painted backdrops are beautiful and are exactly what I was picturing. I know that I can always count on you to make my vision a reality! You are so talented and such a valuable resource for this organization.


Caitlin- Thank you for all of the time and effort you put into securing all of our costumes and overseeing the hair and make up design. I am grateful to you for your help and understanding.


Ruth- I truly appreciate your assistance with the stage crew and all of the many other odds and ends that I have asked you to help me with. I know that I can always depend on you. Thank you for being so dedicated to this organization and for always providing such positive encouragement. Your kind words get me through many difficult rehearsals!


Erika- I owe you such a tremendous thank you for all of your assistance, creative ideas, and dedication to this show. Thank you for sharing my vision and for always coming through with whatever I ask of you. I am grateful to you for being so flexible with my difficult schedule and for running rehearsals when I was unable to be there. I could never do this without you. The students and I are so very lucky to have you and your expertise. I look forward to show #4!



-Mrs. Drum

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