A Message from the Directors….
This production is truly a team effort. The performing arts team could not produce something of this calibre alone. Without the help of our many volunteers, parents, teachers, faculty, staff, students, sponsors and Dr.Huskin this show would not go on. We personally thank each & every one of you!
These children continue to amaze us! Give them a task no matter how difficult and they will rise to the challenge and exceed – always allowing us to raise the bar and rigor! From the child that struggles academically or behaviorally to the child that has that natural talent - no matter what, they step out of their box and soar like the TC Miller Eagle they are called to be! They truly bring tears to Mrs. Coleman’s eyes and chills to my skin! (They know they’ve done a fantastic thing when they can give Mrs. Coleman the chills! ☺)
On behalf of the performing arts team, we thank you from the bottom of our hearts for helping us continue to make these productions happen, especially our families, whether it’s our personal families or our school families! We’re not always happy-go-lucky during the production times!
We would like to acknowledge the following people who have been our faithful and frequent "behind the scenes" volunteers. Please notice the scenery, costumes, props, acting, singing, sound, lighting, playbill and any other important details to this production and here are some of people to thank:
Ryan Anderson Elizabeth Budahn Jean Neal Lilly Wood
Tanya Baier Melissa Early Shirley Penn Casey Wood
Kristi Barbato Kay Eberz Margaret Proehl LePetra Whigham
Jenilee Boogades Darlene Garland Tracey Proehl Otis Whigham
Chad Boswell Courtney Hudson Kelly Proesbsting
Nannette Boswell Cristian Leeson Carrie Howard
Kathy Brown Vanessa Leeson Sarah Short
Kelly Brown Victoria Marroquin Aniyah Webb
Kimberly Brown Evan Meese Jill Wood
Another shout out to all the parents, family members and friends who took the time to bring and pick up their child to rehearsals every Tuesday & Thursday night as well as Saturday mornings since January.
Again, most sincerely, THANK YOU!!! The Performing Arts Team:
Angie Coleman Shawn Lipscomb Joan Sudec