Annie Jr. - April 26 - April 27, 2024

Swift Creek Middle School

 End Notes 

A note from the director, 


I am extremely proud of this year's production of Annie Jr. As only the second production for the Swift Creek Middle School Drama Club, the growth of the actors and the club has been inspirational to witness. Annie Jr. is a classic, it's far from easy to take these well-known and lovable characters and breathe new life into them for an audience of today's teenagers. With no TikTok references, and no modern 'rizz',  this isn't exactly the sort of show teens flock to. This group of teens, however, has risen to the occasion and I hope you have all enjoyed their efforts as much as I have enjoyed organizing them. 


To my 8th graders, the final show is always bittersweet. Most of these students I have had the privilege of teaching for 3 years. Watching you all shine on stage, and in leadership roles in a program we have built together is the highlight of my year, every year. It never fails to bring a tear to my eye when I remember how much you have grown. You will be missed. 


Anabelle, you have the kind of dedication and grit that is inspiring to see. 

Ava Blaire, one of the best! How I will miss your sense of humor! 

Brooke, I'm so glad we got to work together, finally! 

Cayleigh, keep writing those stories! I can't wait to see them on stage someday.

Farah, you will be missed entirely too much. Can I just have you held back a year? two years? You cannot be replaced, that is for sure! 

Katie, so sweet to everyone, the kindest soul ever. It has been a privilege to see your confidence grow over the last three years. 

Madison, no one can match your smile. You brighten every environment. 

Olivia, I don't know how you juggle such dedication on the soccer field and the stage. It is inspiring! 

Piersen, so glad we finally met. You are an amazingly talented addition! 

Quinn, the Pepper-est of Peppers to ever Pepper. Keep leading! Keep being unapologetically you. You have been a pillar of this program.

Raegan, the anchor who never complains, and keeps us all steady! always willing to help, and lead. 

Sophia, You are so talented! I'm glad we got to work together this year. Good luck next year, and for all the years to follow. 

Tovi, our stage will be dimmer without you, never lose your shine. Call me when you're on Broadway, so I can say I knew her when. 


To my amazing drama club leadership team, 


Ms. Rawls and Ms. Thompson, I have worked on shows that have far more adults helping, and yet have been less helpful, less supportive, and gotten less done. Somehow we pulled this thing off and it is entirely because of your efforts. Thank you, for all of your hard work, for listening to me worry, for leading our group into the spotlight. This has truly been the best year on my resume.



To all of you, the parents and loved ones of our amazing Annie Jr. Cast. Thank you for giving me the privilege of being your student's director. I often say to my family that my hours spent after school with Drama Club are my favorite hours of the day. Getting to spend time with dedicated students, who are focused on achieving a common goal is a treat. It has been an honor. Grazie mille. 


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