Disney's Frozen, Jr. - February 20 - February 22, 2020

Sunset Hills Elementary School


Abbey, Nolan, and Tessa- We are so proud of you and all of your hard work.  Love, Mom and Dad


To our beautiful girl Isa, who always makes us proud on every project you do.  You have a beautiful heart that you always follow. We love you so much and we know for sure you are going places!  Love, Dad and Mom.


To Justen: Justen, we’re all so proud of you!  As they say in the theater, “Break a leg!” You’re going to do so well as “Kristoff!”


We love you Shannon!!! You are a great little Elsa!! We are so proud of you and can’t wait to see you perform.  Love, Grandpa and Grandma Hutchens


Knock 'em out, Shannon!  And while you're at it, break a leg! I am so very proud of you. I love you to the moon! Granny


We’re so proud of you, Shannon!  It has been wonderful watching you grow as a performer.  Congratulations on another excellent performance. Love, Mom and Dad


To Shannon Maloney: We’re so proud of you, Shannon! Love Aunt Christy, Uncle Joel, Reid and Henry


To Alyssa Melen: Alyssa is so excited to play in her very first Sunset Hills production!  She has invested her time and put a lot of effort into being part of this play. We are so proud of her!  Love, Mom and Dad


To our daughters Briana and Corinne: There is no better friend than a sister and there are no better sisters than you.


To RaeLyn Petersen: We are so proud of you Raelyn!!! We are so happy you tried out for this play and are exploring new things, keep up the positive attitude and chasing your dreams. Love you to the moon and beyond. Mom and Dad


Congratulations, Emma Russ!  We are so proud of you! Love, Daddy, Mama and Allison


Little Miss Emma B., we are so excited to watch you become Little Anna.  Shine bright, sweet girl! Break a leg (not your wrist again). Love, Mom, Dad and Haley


Trinity and Savanna - Keep shining and dancing like no one is watching.  Your family loves you and is very proud of you. Love, Mom & Dad


Sophia L., We are so proud of you!  Can’t wait to see the performance. Keep on shining!  Love Mom & Dad


Stephanie and Madison Orona, we are so proud of you both!  Have a great show!


Hudson, Tanner & Briggs, we’re so proud of you always and are extra excited to see your months of hard work play out in front of us!  We love you this how much! Love, Mom, Dad, Charlie, Jake & Chase



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