So many people have been instrumental in bringing together this production of "Alice the Musical".
We would like to express our gratitude to Florida SouthWestern State College for sponsoring the first artistic offering of Suncoast
Youth Theatre.
Other people who have helped us out in this venture are Chris Smith for the loan of his clever Caterpillar's mushroom Wendy Paul for much help including a rabbit hole, Jim Story for sets, iHeart Radio for sponsoring Suncoast Youth Theatre and allowing us to participate at the Stone Crabs game so we could fund raise, the Stonecrabs stadium for allowing us to perform there and have a fun event, Stephan Rugg for transportation of our set pieces, Jackie Possel for making Alices dresses, Korinne Hill for making our Lord's doublet... and to all of the parents who have sacrificed time and talent to make this program possible for their children.
Meghan Strope and Louis Brady have put in countless hours with organizational work. The board members have done so much to facilitate every part of this endeavor: Jen Manley, Jennifer Loukota, Jackie Slishman, Carolyn Yousif and Agnes Del Castillo. Terri Morrisey Sloan has also been a huge help in many ways.
We greatly appreciate Daulton Lunsford and Maddison Slishman for honing their leadership skills in working with the cast as musical assistant directors.
Schoolhouse Square's Lotto Auction has helped ot with generously loaning and donating items to the show.
Jackson Signs has helped with making our production T-shirts and printing our playbill.
Chris Craib and Wendy Paul have shared their enviable technical theatrical skills to create the special lighting effects that bring our "wonderland" to life for this performance.
It is virtually impossible to thank every person who has given so generously to this effort. We especially want to thank all of our sponsors for making this playbill and show a reality.