The Curious Savage - April 26 - April 29, 2018

Sun Prairie High School


The Curious Savage holds a very special place in my heart. The theme of this show is the idea of reality vs. illusion and the ways in which people choose to live in each of these entities. The characters who are deemed “sane” are driven by wealth and greediness, willing to give up family relationships, personal pride, and individual honesty all in the pursuit of money, fame, or power. However, those characters who are “insane” understand the value of family, friendship, and loyalty. If we all lived with a little more focus on family, friendship, and loyalty versus money, fame, or power, I believe our world would be an overall better place to live.


I have been thoroughly impressed with the students throughout this production process… their focus and emotional commitment during the rehearsal process was incredible. With an intimate cast of 11 playing fun, quirky, and unique characters, and another 20+ working the technical aspects of the show,  the overall level of dedication and enthusiasm from all has been tremendous! From character work and research into the 1950s, our students have once again outdone themselves.


With any theatrical production, so much time and effort are put forth behind the scenes… a very special thank you goes to our production staff and volunteers, including: Amy Frank, Michael Gray, Lindsey Hoel-Neds, Sharon White, Becca Onken, Rob Wagner, and Corey Helser. The work they put into this show and in teaching our students is incredible. I am so thankful to be able to work with enthusiastic adults who love theater as much as I do and are willing to think outside of the box with me!


In addition to the production staff for this show, I want to thank the families of our cast and crew who helped to make this production a reality. A special thanks to Heidi Weber for feeding us throughout! To all of our students’ parents and guardians, thank you for volunteering your time and talents with us, and most importantly for lending us your children for the past couple of months!


I hope that you find a lot to enjoy throughout this production, but most of all….. Don’t judge a book by its cover and remember to find the things in life that make you happy… and finally, love is everywhere around you - you just have to look and listen for it and accept it into your life! :)  “Enjoy the show!”



Thank You!


Marsha Heuer

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