My first memories of seeing live theatre are watching Oklahoma during a grade school field trip to the local high school, seeing the various Six Flags shows as a child, and the most poignant of all…A Christmas Carol. I don’t remember much, but I do remember the Ghost of Christmas Yet to Come. It was costumed as this larger than life grim reaper with two glowing red eyes lost in an abyss of darkness. Those red eyes followed me home. They haunted my nights. They have found a place inside me to this very day. That is what theatre does. It latches onto us at even the most unremarkable of times. It finds a place to stay tucked away until one day you unleash that power and bring it back to life!
I had the opportunity of portraying that same ghastly figure in 2009 at Lindenwood University. Most directors and actors see this character as a throw away, after all it doesn’t even speak! And we all know that lines are all that matter, right? Not at all! I took the casting as a challenge, how do I interpret my “lines” without speaking? How do I interpret this character as a female? How do I interpret this character as a very short female? How do I make it memorable? How do I haunt my audience’s lives in the same way that actor did for me so many years ago?
Charles Dickens intends his own story to haunt his readers. He states in the preface of the novel, “I have endeavored in this Ghostly little book to raise the Ghost of an Idea, which shall not put my readers out of humor with themselves, with each other, with the season, or with me. May it haunt their houses pleasantly, and no one wish to lay it.”
Dickens brings to us an idea. A reminder to inspect ourselves, at this time particular of the year, “When want is keenly felt and abundance rejoices!” When life has gotten us so worn down, so tired, so ready for those nights in front of a fire, nestled with a warm drink and good entertainment. However, he reminds us to look beyond ourselves, to inspect those around us. As humans, we have become wonderful actors. We can fake a smile and positive attitude even at the hardest times. We have found it hard to ask for help. We have also found ourselves so face down deep into our electronic devices just as Jacob Marley found himself face down in his accounting books, and not looking up for that bright star to lead us to a poor abode. Not looking up and noticing humanity, and being a part of this miraculous and beautiful thing we call life.
We ask you tonight to let Dickens's classic, and our interpretation of it, find its way into your heart. Let it latch itself to you. Let it stay with you through this special time of year (and hopefully longer). Let it be with you until someday, maybe soon, maybe very distant from now, you unleash that power bring it back to life!
The Administrative Team
The Main Office Ladies
SHS Faculty & Staff
SHS Custodial Team
St. Francis Borgia Regional High School, Troupe #2787
Six Flags St. Louis Entertainment Dept
The Brown Family
Missy & Gene Wibbenmeyer
The Families & Friends of the Cast
You...For supporting the Fine & Performing Arts in Public Schools!