Katie Blakley*
Production Stage Manager
Katie (Junior) is a member of Band, Link Crew, Color Guard and NHS. She has been the Stage Manager for The Unknown Part of the Ocean and the Production Manager for Arsenic and Old Lace and Parfumerie. She would like to thank her family, Sam Sloan, her dog and everyone in this show for putting up with her. "The best kind of help is the kind that knows what it's doing."
Brianna Bullock*
Assistant Stage Manager
Brianna (Freshman) is a member of StuCo, Track, Cross Country, Art Club and Science Club. She previously appeared as Maureen (Honk, Jr.), Elaine (Arsenic and Old Lace), and Sophie (The Unknown Part of the Ocean). She adds, "I would like to thank my parents for helping and supporting me with all things in theater, I couldn't do any of this without them. I would also like to thank Cloe for being patient with me while I learn how to assitant stage manage, as well as bringing me cutters for the blocking tape." "We don't make mistakes, just happy little accidents." - Bob Ross
Abram Denney
Abram (6th) is a member of Scholar Bowl. He thanks his mom and dad who push him to try new things and help him succeed.
Katie Gelski>
Crew/Running Crew
Katie (Sophomore) is a member of Band. Her top roles include Girl (Atypicaly Boy), O'Hara (Arsenic and Old Lace), and Ensemble (Parfumerie). She would like to thank her mom for supporting her in all that she does! "I'm not clumsy. It's just the floor hates me, the tables and chairs are bullies & the wall gets in the way."