Mr. McReynolds and Mrs. Russell would like to thank the following people. This show would not have been possible without them:
The Sullivan East High School administrators, teachers, and parents who support your students being a part of this program.
Milligan University, Gary and Brenda Inman, Sharon and Eddie Ramsey, Coach Scott, and Jeff McReynolds for their financial support.
The students in Mrs. Russell's Stagecraft class for their hard work in designing, building, painting, and decorating all of the sets.
All students who assisted in getting costumes and props to use in the show.
Addison Gragg for her work as student director and dance captain
Please silence your cell phones. Please be aware that performers will be throughout the theater. Please make sure to keep the aisles clear of any personal items.
Due to copyright law, is illegal to photograph or video record any part of this production. Thank you for your cooperation.
Thank YOU for coming to support the cast of The Music Man! We hope that you enjoy the show.