Schoolhouse Rock Live! - May 15 - May 16, 2015

Success Academy High School of the Liberal Arts


This year's musical production combined 30+ actors, technical crew members, musicians, and directors made up of scholars, school staff, and industry professionals. The cast Schoolhouse Rock Live! would like to say a very special "Thank You" to the following:

Dr. Eva Moskowitz for her continued commitment to provide Fine Arts education to the students of New York City

Dr. Marc Meyer for his unwavering support of both this production and the entire performing arts department

Parents & Families for their cooperation and understanding of the huge time commitment necessary to make this production successful

Freddy & the entire custodial staff for helping to breathe new life into the auditorium!


Mr. Wurzman for his carpentry skills


Our Ops team for being wonderful


Mr. Malone, Ms. Bartkus, Mrs. Klein, and Dr. Richards for their leadership and assistance


Coach Davis and Ms. Melindo for sharing their time and musical talents with us all


All HSLA Faculty and staff for their flexibility and enthusiasm


Mr. James for taking on EVERY coverage over the past few weeks


Ms. Katy Lynn Patterson for her talent, time, and expertise


Mr. Alex Barylski for rocking the keyboards


Mr. Omar Jaslin for his lighting knowledge and expertise


Big Apple Chorus for their flexibility


SLD Lighting for literally making our scholars shine


Daytime crew members for volunteering your elective time to make this production look great

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