Maya Angles
Cast Director
Maya is a current sophomore. This is her 4th STC production and her first time directing. While not working on a show, she spends her time cramming for AP season, listening to the "Harp Music for Sleeping" playlist on spotify, and baking.
Max Kahn
Cast Director
Max Kahn is Sophmore, which is the biggest twist of the show itself, as everyone could've sworn he was just a tall freshman. When he isn't getting beat up by Freshman in the 11th floor pool, he is at Church, or at Arby's. His peers describe him as serious and authoritative, and his dog would describe him, but unfortunately she can't because she is a dog. Max wants the world to be a better place, but sadly it won't be unless they bring back Toys R Us.
Roy Wu
as Snug, a joiner
This is Roy's first show ever as an innocent freshman. He likes swimming with floats on his waist, legs, arms and head like every child should be. He also enjoys squeaking on the clarinet and oboe everyday, thinking that he is Donald Duck on steroids. He might be scheming in the shower so check your seats.
Daniel Berlinsky
as Robin Starveling, a tailor
Daniel Berlinsky is a sophomore, and this is his first STC show. He is a painter, an architect, a pianist, a singer, and more. His favorite subjects are history, english, and chorus. He’s also a dog person, likes to read, and loves coffee.