Zora Arum
Cast Director
Zora is an enthusiastic first-time STC director. Her pastimes include baking pies and acting like a dinosaur, though she also spends large portions of her time singing extremely off-key Rent lyrics. When she grows up, she would like to marry the angel Castiel, but would also settle for Stephen Colbert. She hopes you enjoy the show!
Livia Kunins-Berkowitz
Cast Director
Livia is delighted to be directing her second STC show! She enjoys farming, social justice discussions, and of course theater. She is particularly excited about Rent because it works to destigmatize marginalized groups. She would like to thank the amazing cast and crew, SLATE, Ms. Maggio, and of course Zora. Livia's goals include being able to grow a french mustache by the age of 18.
Mariya Gedrich
Ensemble Director
Mariya is a junior and this is her second show with the STC. Previously she was a member of cast, and she is thrilled to be directing chorus this year. In her free time she likes making bad puns. She should tell you...you'll see that this show will be over the moon. Enjoy
Aparna Nair-Kanneganti
Ensemble Director
Aparna Nair-Kanneganti has loved every moment working as chorus director for RENT!. She would like to congratulate all her fellow directors and producers and her hardworking cast and ensemble for putting together an amazing show! Broken limbs to all!
Aparna hopes you enjoy the show, and encourages you to continue eschewing the payment of your yearly rent.
Frances Dodin
Dance Director
Frances is so excited to be a part of this year's musical. She was one of the dance directors of last year's musical, West Side Story, and is more than happy to share her choreography with a new cast and audience. She hopes everyone enjoys the show (especially the dancing)!