Harmehar Kohli
as Cast Director
Although a veteran to the STC after acting in plays such as West Side Story and Grease, this is Harmehar's first production as a director. She is very excited to be working with such a talented cast and learning how theatre feels from behind the stage! She really hopes you enjoy the show and if you ever see her in the hallways don't be afraid to growl like Eliza and come say hi!
Thomas Perskin
as Cast Director, Alfred Doolittle
This is my sixth STC production, and my second as a director. Effort is key in any theatrical performance, but considering the time issues we had for this show, the required effort was particularly significant. Everybody put every bit of that effort in and I'm proud to have been a part of it. This is a great show with a tremendous cast and I hope you all enjoy it.
Nicole Rosengurt
as Cast Director
This is Nicole's first time directing a show at Stuy and she is beyond excited to have created this show with her fabulous co-directors! Everyone who's a part of this show is a magnificent star and she loves you all! She hopes everyone leaves with the message that it's always possible to transform from trashy to classy, so keep trying!
Rose Mintzer-Sweeney
as Executive Producer
This is Rose's twelfth STC production and her first as executive producer. She is thrilled to be working with such talented directors, cast, and crew, and would especially like to thank her fellow Slate members, Israt and Claire, for their hard work and sense of humor. She hopes you enjoy the show!
Rahul Francis
as Producer
Rahul is currently a sophomore who joined the STC his freshman year, as producer of Romeo & Juliet. Shortly after, he was coordinator for SophFrosh SING! 2014. Other than producing, Rahul is also stage manages and is in Model UN. He is excited to see this amazing production come together.