Disney's The Little Mermaid JR. - May 21 - May 22, 2024

Stukey Elementary

 Who's Who 

  • Izabella McClure head shot

    Izabella McClure

    as Ariel

    For tonight's show, Izabella is playing the role of Ariel.  Izabella is in 5th grade and this is her third play here at Stukey. She also had roles in Frozen and Beauty and the Beast. She has also been in choir for as long as she can remember! Izabella is very honored to have the lead role and she hopes you enjoy The Little Mermaid, Jr.  

  • Ellie Barry head shot

    Ellie Barry

    as Prince Eric, Allana

    Ellie is in 11th grade at Northglenn High School and has been with Stukey for 11 years and in the music program for 10.  Helping out with the kids is one of her favorite things to do.  Ellie loves working with the kids and giving them pointers and tips on how to improve their singing and acting skills.  In her family she is the middle of 14 kids, so she sure knows how to work with them!

  • Melanie Miranda Arce head shot

    Melanie Miranda Arce

    as Grimsby, Andrina

    Melanie Miranda is in 6th grade attending school at Northglenn Middle. This will be Melanie's third play with Stukey.  In the past she was seen as Grandpappy/Hand Maiden in Frozen and as Cogsworth in Beauty and the Beast. Along with the plays, Melanie sings in and helps out with Stukey's advanced choir. She is very grateful for all the opportunities that Mr. Sheridan gives her!

  • Ian Sanchez Pineda head shot

    Ian Sanchez Pineda

    as Pilot

    Ian is happy to be in his second show at Stukey.  Last year Ian could be seen as the Narrator 2 in Beauty and the Beast.  Ian wants to give a shout out to Ellie for helping him. He is in 5th grade and his favorite subject is writing.  He has also been in choir for 4 years. Ian also wants to give a shout out to everyone for participating and he hopes you all enjoy the show!

  • Andrew Travis Adams head shot

    Andrew Travis Adams

    as King Triton

    Andrew is in 5th grade.  Andrew has been in 2 shows with the Northland Chorale.  He has also spent 3 years in the Stukey choirs.  Last year Andrew was seen as one of the narrators in Beauty and the Beast.  This year Andrew has been known to all as "pockets."

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