This year's production of The Little Mermaid combined the unique and varied talents of many students, staff and community members! The entire ensemble would like to say a special word of thanks to the following:
Deb Voelker and Helen Butts, our principal and assistant principal. Thank you for your unending support of our programs throughout the year. Your kindness and compassion help us to shine!
Stukey's office manager, Raelene Crump. Thank you as well for all of your support! We would not be where we are today without your kindness.
Mary Omohundro and Taylor Cozart, the Stukey specials team! Thank you both for everything you do to help us find success throughout the year. You are amazing!
Stukey's facility crew, Justin, Gerard and Ariana. Thank you for all your help and for cleaning up after all my sawdust messes!
Dene Merrow and Ariel Alvarez for all of their help with all the tech aspects of this show. Dene, I continued to be amazed with your knowledge and wisdom in the theatre!
Northglenn High School, especially drama teacher, Abbie Traynor. Thank you for allowing us to use your space and for helping us get set up.
The facility crews at Northglenn High, especially Valerie Gallegos and Rod Matkin. Thank you for all your assistance with our moving in and out and letting us into the school. You all are amazing!
Marci Nickelsburg and her daughter from the Woodland Park High School Theatre Department. Thank you so much for the use of props, scenery and costumes. It adds so much to our performance!
And, thank you to Steven George, Ellie Barry and Aidan Sheehy for your help bringing everything back from Woodland Park. And special thanks to Steven for all of his extra support of our programs at Stukey!
Victoria Gomez, Ellie Barry, Melanie Miranda Arce and Scarlet Peiffer for all of their help during rehearsals. I appreciate you all!
The Northland Chorale for supporting us by putting an ad in the program.
All who donated their time to this show. Your support is greatly appreciated!
All the parents, grandparents and other family members of the cast and crew. Your support of our music programs at Stukey is outstanding! Thank you for letting your children be a part of this amazing experience and helping them to be successful!
Marta, Danny and the rest of my family for all of their support throughout the year and for putting up with my crazy schedule. Looking forward to our upcoming travels! Love you all!!!
The Stukey Staff. Thank you for supporting all of our endeavors throughout the year!