“And though she be but little, she is fierce.” - Helena
A Midsummer Night’s Dream (3.2.335-36)
I can’t think of a quote more fitting to describe our first season as a theatre company. After having the great fortune this past May to launch Studio Theatre Worcester with The Complete Works of William Shakespeare (abridged), we have returned with a two-show season that is little, but undeniably fierce.
First, we are proud to present the timeless musical, The Fantasticks. The world’s longest running musical, enjoyed a 42-year run off-Broadway; that’s 17,162 performances! The Fantasticks will have you remembering what it was like to grow up and fall in love; but also the pain that sometimes comes with love. This show has no shortage of magic, and as such, we have chosen to set it in the back alley of a now-defunct magic show in Atlantic City.
Our second show, presented in March, 2020, is the controversial drama/thriller Doubt. Set in the Fall of 1964 at the fictitious St. Nicholas Church School, Doubt unfolds against a landscape of America during a time of social and political unrest. The play addresses several hard-hitting topics, including race, sexual abuse, and the battle between progressive and conservative Catholicism. This show promises to be a special event as we’ll be holding talk backs with the cast, production team and Reverend Dr. Kevin Downer following selected performances.
If you haven’t already done so, please follow us on all your favorite social media platforms: Facebook (Studio Theatre Worcester), Instagram (studiotheatreworcester), and Twitter (STWorcester). Also, swing by our web site and sign-up for our mailing list. We are excited to keep you updated on our season as it progresses.
Lastly, Studio Theatre Worcester operates as a non-profit theatre under section 501(c)(3) of the United States Internal Revenue Code. All donations to Studio Theatre Worcester are deductible. If you are interested in donating to our theatre, please visit us at studiotheatreworcester.org/support or email us at donations@studiotheatreworcester.org.

John Wayland Somers
Artistic Director
Studio Theatre Worcester