Welcome back to "a little Broadway on the Hill!"
Two years ago and exactly one week before our 2020 presentation of "13, the Musical", Covid hit. Broadway went dark as did school and community theaters. We all retreated to our homes and awaited the day that we could be together again.
Live theater has returned to Stuart-Hobson Middle school!
The SHMS DramaPlayers was established in 2016. Since then, we have produced 6 awesome full productions; featuring hundreds of students from our middle school and feeder campuses. We have seen dozens continue to pursue their arts education in vocal/dance/ theatre/and theater tech studies at choice high schools and college programs.
Our high-quality, student-led productions have offered students learning opportunities to develop technical, social, and time management skills in middle school. Students learn how to direct, critique, and analyze theatrical works. In addition, we develop a team mentality where every student has opportunity to voice ideas and develop personal leadership attributes. Our program builds community within the school community.
What you'll see today on stage resulted from alot of learning. Students learned how to gather again; share the spotlight, respect one another's space, efforts, cultures, talents, failures, suggestions. Theater requires us to listen and not just hear and to refrain from upstaging others. It celebrates small details and builds new respect for the process leading up to the product. Life lessons.
"13" showcases our amazing and resilient group of 'tweens and teens. In these trying and confusing times, theater has sparked love, joy, perseverance and camaraderie. For many of them, a place of belonging.
This story is about Evan; a 13-year-old boy whose world is rocked by life's circumstances beyond his control. Through all of that, Evan just wants to find his place. As he endures middle school hardships and triumphs, he learns more about the person he wants to be. As one character awkwardly puts it: "There's the cool kids, there's the preps, the skate punks and the jocks; but then there's me."
Our identity is found as we change, learn, and grow. Yet at any age, there's still "a little more homework to do" in becoming our best selves.
Enjoy the show!
Tori Pergerson, Director