From the Director...
“Theatre contains a multitude of worlds, each requiring a unique set of creative and esoteric skills. These separate spheres of expertise combine and fuse, as a string of notes become a melody, and melodies intertwine to create a symphony. In this way, theatre creates a synergy – a result greater than the sum of its parts – a harmonious, living production,” (Shenan Arts, 2018).
As always, no words can begin to express the deep gratitude I feel to the many individuals who have come together to make this work possible. It is a privilege to collaborate with a team of such talented and dedicated professionals and students who share a passion for the stage. Our collective goal is that for a few hours you will escape reality and transcend to an alternate world where life is enchanting, obstacles seem impossible, and life is both heartbreaking and heroic.
What a wonderful time of the year to reflect on “days of old” as well as to look forward to all that the future holds for us. It’s a delight to have the opportunity to bring to life a timeless classic that warms the soul. The movie, It’s A Wonderful Life, has a special place in so many hearts, including mine. Its message of hope, love, and belonging speak to what all of us long to have, and teaches us the value that we are in the lives of others.
Rendering a motion picture on stage requires leaps of the imagination. Films are composed of many individual scenes and shots in numerous locations; generally move rapidly from place to place; and are peopled by many actors playing many small, but vital parts. What an incredible challenge this creates for the confines of live theatre. Challenge accepted! May you celebrate talents and hard work of these students as I do. From day one of the production process, their enthusiasm and their commitment to their craft has inspired and amazed me! Watching them take the stage to share their hard work and love for theatre with a live audiences brings me such joy.
We are excited to present our re-creation of the daily life of Bedford Falls spanning more than twenty five years - from icy Christmas 1919, through George and Mary’s ‘meet-cute’ in 1928, to their wedding in 1932, and wrapping up with their young family in the following years. The heart of the story sits perched on the bridge between Heaven and Earth, fantasy and reality, and life and death. About 100 students (actors, technicians, and musicians) are working their magic to bring tonight’s performance to the stage - it is quite a feat.
Students, thank you for trusting me and sharing this vision with me! Much appreciation to the parents of all of our performers for encouraging and supporting your students to pursue their passions. I am so fortunate to have had the lifelong support of my family to pursue mine!
Whether on stage, behind the scenes, in the musical pit, or in the audience seats, may this theatre space we share be a source of hope, love, belonging, and laughter for all who enter.
‘Tis the season to remind us of the powerful impact we have on each other. “It’s a Wonderful Life” is our gift to you.
May you experience tonight’s performance with an open mind, joyful heart, and imaginative spirit.
Welcome to Bedford Falls!
We hope you enjoy the show!