The Wizard of Oz (RSC 1987) - May 06 - May 13, 2014

Stansbury High School

 End Notes 

Special Thanks

Factory Flooring Direct, Centerpoint Legacy Theatre, Broadway Attire for Hire, Bonneville High School, Brighton High School, All my Drama Mamas and Papas, and everyone else I might have missed.  Without your help, this show wouldn't have happened!



From the Director


The Wizard of Oz is one of those shows that every High School does sooner or later, it's a crowd pleaser and a family favorite. I hope our production of Wizard of Oz is one that brings a smile to your face and a little bit of joy to your heart. 


What drew me to this show is the phrase "There's no place like home."  What I appreciate about this show is its emphasis on family, both the ones we have and the ones we create or grow into.  Some members of our Stallion Drama Family are leaving us after this show tonight to graduate and move on to the next step of their lives, my thanks to them for their hard work and dedication to this program over the years.  I've watched them grow and change as they worked to make themselves into the amazing young people they are, I wish them the best as they transition into this next phase.


Remember what we do is for you, why we do it is because of our love for the art.  Support the students in this program, support the students in the arts.  Without the arts in our schools, some students would not have a place to feel like they belong, a place they called home.  The arts are important to everyone, everyday.


As a teacher I spend my days with some of the most amazing young people in the world, to me they are all special and unique.  It brings joy to my heart to see them work to create something as amazing as the show you're about to see.


I hope you'll enjoy it, and thank you for Supporting us. If you'd like to find out how to support us in any other way, please let me know.


Glen Carpenter



Please support our sponsors and tell them you saw their ad in our program!


Stansbury High School Administration



Kendall Topham


Assistant Principal

Renee Milne


Assistant Principal

Kalem Norton


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