Shrek - August 09 - August 10, 2013

Standing Ovation Theatre Company of South Jersey

 End Notes 


When I decided to take on this project, I was very excited and nervous.  I knew it was going to be something that would take a lot of work, not just for me but for everyone involved.  I can say with 100% honesty that I could NOT have done this without the help of many many people. 


First of all I would like to thank my dad, Mr. D, for taking on all of these challenging vocals and making them fit our wonderful ensemble of actors.  All of the songs truly make this show complete.  Not only that, but putting together this awesome orchestra that really compliment our show!  Thank you also to my mom and brother for always supporting and being involved in the productions, however you can!


A huge thank you to Mrs. Adams, Mrs. Bogie, Mrs. Puleo, Mrs. Palombo, Stephanie, Mrs. Pezza, and all of the other moms and dads and grandmas, etc. who helped with costumes, sets, props, and other important things that made this show come together.  I could not have done any of this without all of your patience and hard work.  


An even bigger thank you to the one and only Mama Melvin who has helped us summer after summer after summer and has never asked for anything in return.  This is your last summer show with one of your children in the cast (probably ;) and I can not even imagine how we could have done any of this without you.  Your support alone is worth even more than I can ever say.  Thank you from the bottom of my heart!


Thank you to Ryan for putting up with me during this hectic and crazy process.  I know you were not prepared for me in SOTC mode but I'm glad that you have been a part of this process.  I would not have survived the summer without your love and support.


Thank you to Laurel, Tyler, CJ (and AJ even though you're away) for sticking with us summer after summer and for being like my brothers and sisters for 6 weeks every year.  I couldn't imagine a summer without you!  I hope you know that I think you are all brilliant and I am only so hard on you because I know you can really accomplish great things and I only want to teach you and pull out of you what I know you can truly do.  Laurel, this better not be your last show with us.  I know you are are going to do amazing things in college and I will truly miss you.


Lastly, I would like to thank this amazing, talented, dedicated, hard working cast for everything they have done for the past 6 weeks.  This show is so magical because of you guys.  You have worked so, so, so hard on all of your lines, choreography, blocking, and singing, but not only that!!  You have fundraised, publicized, costumed, painted and put so much energy and focus on every single aspect of this show.  I hope you are all proud of the outcome.   Even if there are 3 people in the audience, this show is so memorable and wonderful and it should be something that you remember fondly forever!  I love you all!


One last thank you to everyone here supporting this show!  Not only are you supporting these hard-working kids in the cast and crew, but you are supporting local arts and for that, we are eternally grateful!  We truly could not do any of this without you all coming out year after year!  Or if this is your first time coming out to see our shows, I hope you enjoyed the performance!  Let's keep theatre alive!


With love,

Mandi Dorfman

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