Legally Blonde The Musical Jr - January 13 - January 14, 2017

Stage Dreams Youth Theater

 Dream Notes 

To Our Favorite Little Blonde,

     We love you more than you could ever know Maya!

Love, Your #1 Fans, Your Family

Dear Leila,

     OMG! You are totally awesome! We are so proud of you! We are so excited to see

     you shine on that stage!

Love, Mommy, Dad, Grandma and Papa


     The future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dream, and we

     believe in you. You are our little "star".

We love you, Gappy and Gammy


     Great job on landing the lead role! We are looking forward to you bringing down

     the house once again! Rock on! 

Love, Gampy and Gammy


     We are so proud of you! You are amazing and put your heart and joy into

     everything you do. Break a leg little Princess!

Love, Mom and Dad

Dear Anni and Kirstie,

     You are both so amazing and we are very proud of you!

Love, Mom and Dad


     OMG - Rylan you are AWESOME! Your family is so proud of you.

Love, Mom, Grandma, Papa, and Nana


     You have worked so hard! We are beyond proud of you buddy, you amaze us

     every day! We love you!

Love, Mom and Dad


Director's Note


     On the surface Legally Blonde The Musical Jr is a fun, energetic, and light hearted story about a girl who makes something more out herself than she at first thought possible. While all this is accurate, let’s not forget what our last show, Shrek The Musical Jr taught us: Never judge something by its initial appearance. When we dig deeper into Legally Blonde we find so much more than just the bright, exciting, fast paced music. We find a call for social progression. We find what drives us most. We find love, for one’s self and others. We find a message of never letting anyone tell us where we belong or what our limitations are. We find heart.

     This play is bursting with so much heart and that to me is what made it so interesting to direct. We are telling a humanistic story of a young woman who finds her true strength by ignoring what people tell her she cannot achieve. Elle Woods changes the world around her as she embarks on this journey. This musical challenges us as an audience to dream and to be the change we wish to see.

     Elle’s story is similar to many men and women who have faced adversity in their lives. She shows us to go our own way, stand tall, and that often times, the solution to a problem is already within ourselves. Legally Blonde shares messages for men and women, children and adults. It is a story worth sharing while being a very fun ride! It was an absolute pleasure to lead this cast through our own journey of putting on Legally Blonde Jr. I would like to thank the family and friends of all of our hardworking, dedicated, and wonderful cast members for supporting the arts. This is an extremely challenging show and I would also like to congratulate all our actors for accepting that feat with grace and putting everything they’ve got into it. Thank you all greatly for coming out and please enjoy the show!




Jonathan James Hansen

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