Envision this: a traveling troupe stops in your hometown, throws up its tent and hands out fliers about its hastily mounted show. The show undoubtedly would proceed at a frentic pace with costumes quickly thrown on, props tossed back and forth, and actors thrust into roles at a moment's notice. Thus is the concept of Lindsay Price's show Circus Olympus.
It is hard to believe that the last time I ventured down this road was nine years ago. So much has happened in that time for this program, and those who were a part of that production. The one thought that resonates is the word "fun". We hope your journey with us leaves you with that word as well.
For those who know our past productions, this play might be a departure. Productions such as Our Town, The Madwoman of Chaillot, 12 Angry Jurors, Everyman, etc. do not conjure up the word "fun" and this play might be considered out of place with those of the past. However, this play comes along at an opportune time. The characters in this play are big and broad, exaggerated and sometimes loud. Simply put, we need to laugh more. I hope you do laugh and continue to laugh. The world is a serious place and plays like Circus Olympus provide us with the opportunity to take the world less seriously, even if only for a couple of hours.
Special thanks go to the administration of St. Thomas Aquinas: Fr. Vincent T. Kelly, Dr. Denise Aloma, Dr. Robert Mulder, Dr. Suzy Prieto and Mrs. Margie Scott. I would also like to thank: Ms. Jennifer Williams; Coach Steve Strand for his continued support; Mr. Joe Basi for his knowledge and advice; Xander Snell for his work on the set as well as with our lighting and sound crews; Mr. Casey Golden and Mrs. Kathy Myrick for their assistance and support during the audition process; Ms. Linda Mierley, Mrs. Maureen Davis and Mrs. Ashley Walters for their assistance during production week; Mrs. Christine Alston and her team of Drama Mamas for taking care of us; and the other parents who geneously gave of their time to assist in any way possible. Finally thank you to my wife, Elena Maria Garcia for being my rock throughout this and every show I direct and our two beautiful daughters, Ana and Emma, who have to deal with me every day of their lives. And always, a nod and a wink to the Big Cat at the top of the stairs!