Little Women - March 31 - April 02, 2022

St. Petersburg High School



Letter from the Director….

Let me first begin by introducing myself to those of you who do not know me. My name is Kiya Broughton. I am a proud alum of St. Petersburg High School and original Thespian Troupe #2559. I say original because I was here with the Late Great Murray Mintz!! Whom I one day hope to be instrumental in naming the Auditorium after, imagine, “Come to the Mintz Theater for a show!” During my time here in the Theatre, it was a place of solace. And although Mr. Mintz was painfully honest, he also loved Theatre and seeing us love Theatre. It is like being a parent experiencing each new experience with your child for the first time, Inspirational!! The Theatre gave me purpose beside my life watching my mother work herself crazy, myself working 40 hours, and not seeing a future past the moment I was living in! The Theatre let me LIVE! Shedding my problems and troubles like each character I created. The Theatre SAVED ME! I believe in the POWER of the THEATRE, THE ARTS to unite the WORLD! I have been given the honor of leading the same Theatre that saved my life. Giving me the opportunity to give the future a voice and a new vision with each new role. I stumbled into teaching as I followed my daughter, Breanna, from home daycare through High School. Volunteering at her elementary school, subbing, and teaching at her middle school and high school. When she was accepted at Emory after graduating Magna Sum Laude from IB, everyone thought I too would leave SPHS. But, alas here I am.

Little Women: The Broadway Musical was a script chosen by Trish Grunz, the previous Theatre Director, now a part of the PCCA family. This is my first Broadway musical with a Pit. When I was presented with this new opportunity and creative challenge, I opened the script looking for the same inspiration that moves Jo March throughout the musical. As a lifelong writer myself, it was easy to envision Jo’s world as an ever-evolving landscape of characters. I focused on Jo’s strength through loss and tragedy. A family of little women still influencing readers and audiences today.

Please enjoy an evening of the Arts, courtesy and with the collaboration of The SPHS Fine Arts Department (Choral, Band, & Theatre). Today’s Pit, musicians are all members of SPHS Band led by Katie Aucremann. Ms. Aucremann is the SPHS Band Director and show conductor. And a special guest pianist, the talented Brenda Dannewitz. David Lawhead shared his musical theatre and vocal training knowledge and skills with our cast members serving as the Vocal Coach. Mr. Lawhead is the SPHS Choral Director and the Pitchforks Director. I would like to personally THANK ALL the teachers and sponsors who worked to help create an evening of the Arts!!  

The students, cast, crew chairs/bench, and crew worked and after getting to know each other we found a way to work, cooperate, communicate and collaborate to bring you OUR vision of Little Women: The Broadway Musical!! I would like to personally THANK ALL the PARENTS and FAMILIES who allowed their students (cast, crew, chairs/bench) to share this experience with me and as a part of the SPHS Theatre Department!!!

Thank you to the cast, chairs/bench, and crew, you make Theatre what it is and will be at SPHS!! I am proud of each and every one of you!!!

I would like to say a special “Congratulations and Thank-you to ALL our SENIOR CLASS OF 2022 cast, crew, and crew chairs/bench!!” Your energy and spirit will be missed and celebrated as your impact on the SPHS Theatre will be cherished and inspirational to those who follow your path. Celebrate life with the Arts!! Break A Leg!!!


Kiya Broughton

SPHS Theatre Director/Thespian Troupe 2559 Sponsor/SPHS Speech & Debate Coach/SPHS DVTV Television Sponsor/ SPHS Drama Club Sponsor

P.S. We would like you to join our Theatre Family!! If you would like to become a part of our Theatre Boosters, volunteer, or donate please contact Colleen Weidenfeller at

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