9 to 5: The Musical - April 06 - April 08, 2017

St. John Villa Academy High School

    Cast Biographies 

  • Angela Brusgard head shot

    Angela Brusgard

    Angela is a freshman at Villa. This is her second show here and she is very excited. She has been Fanta Kringle in "Santa Claus Is Coming to Town" at Our Lady Queen of Peace . She was also a police officer in Frosty the Snowman". Recently she played a nun in Villa's "Sister Act". She wishes her castmates good luck and big thanks to her directors. To the cast- Break a leg!

  • Kaitlyn Calderaro head shot

    Kaitlyn Calderaro

    Kaitlyn Calderaro is a freshman at Villa. This is her first show! She would like to thank Ms. Boyle for giving her this opportunity and to Mr. Butler for helping her learn all the music. She would also like to thank the wonderful cast for accepting her so quickly and for pushing her to do her best. She would also like to thank her family and friends for always encouraging her to follow her dreams. To the cast: Break a leg!

  • Matthew Cannizzaro head shot

    Matthew Cannizzaro

    as Josh

    Matt is a junior at Farrell where he is a member of Forensics Speech & Debate Team. Matt last appeared at Hill as the Mayor in Bye Bye Bridie and is more than happy to be making his debut on the Villa stage. He is also a member of the Farrell players, seen in Curtains and Twelve Angry Jurors. He would like to thank his family and friends for their constant support. Break a leg to the cast!

  • Christian Cespedes head shot

    Christian Cespedes

    as Bob Enright

    Christian is homeschooled and in seventh grade. Christian is playing the role of Bob. This is his first show with Villa Drama and he's absolutely loved his experience. Christian also performs with Staten Island Children's Theater Association (SICTA). Some of his favorite roles have been Benny Southstreet (Guys and Dolls) and Tommy Djilas (The Music Man), both with SICTA. He would like to thank Ms.Boyle and Mr. Butler for being incredible directors. He'd also like to thank the entire cast for being so welcoming throughout his first show with Villa Drama.

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