9 to 5: The Musical - April 06 - April 08, 2017

St. John Villa Academy High School


Villa’s Shining Stars


A gold star for our shining seniors!!

Villa drama would like to recognize the seniors and officers who have gone above and beyond to make our show a success on and off the stage!


Nicole Fitzpatrick

Samantha Giambrone

Maryanna Guenther

Stephanie Keane

Caroline Martino

Megan Meschino

Lauren Rosati

Francesca Saccomagno

Katherine Thomas

Bridget Tracy

Michael Kashkin

Owen Thomas


 To our seniors: the entire drama club wishes you the best of luck on your future endeavors. Congratulations on your graduation, each of you will be missed dearly!


Thank you to our officers Francesca Saccomagno (President), Maryanna Guenther (Vice- President).  For organizing “their people” as the cabinet of the drama and being leaders, always putting in extra time to review material before rehearsal started.


Special thank you to Lauren Rosati for stepping in and helping out with t-shirts and tech week activities. 


   Finally thank you to Nicole Fitzpatrick and Megan Meschino for being wonderful and organized Stage Managers and keeping their crew on task 


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