The Women of Lockerbie - January 26 - January 28, 2017

St. Francis Borgia Regional HS

 End Notes 

From the Director:

"Hatred will not have the last word in Lockerbie." These words are as poignant and important in our community today as they were in Lockerbie, Scotland, in 1988.  The Women of Lockerbie shows us that hate can't drive out hate, only love can do that.  The women in our play want to wash the clothes of the victims and send them back to the families so that the families can have closure, but also so that they can wash the hatred out of their own lives.  They are victims, too, of an evil that they didn't create.  They are caught between warring factions and they are scarred by hatred that they can't control.  But they refuse to let evil win.  They struggle with their own grief and question their own convictions.  But they will not let hatred win.  Our play explores the different faces of overwhelming grief; a grief that wants to lash out and consume the victim and others around it.  It's a grief that ultimately can only be assuaged by love.


Hopefully, the cathartic message of The Women of Lockerbie will remind us that we can't let hatred win here in our community either.



Tim Buchheit, Director

Department of Theatre and Speech

St. Francis Borgia Regional High School





Theater for a Cause

Brandon Huels was admitted into the hospital in March 2016 for a debillitating illness doctors have not yet been able to properly diagonose.  He spent the first month of hospitalization in a drug induced coma to minimize seizure activity and during that time he endured many medical examinations, tests, and treatments.  Brandon suffered a traumatic brain injury because of the seizures.  So upon his release from the hospital he was admitted into a rehabilitation facility where he spent another month re-learning the basic every-day life functions of how to walk, talk, eat, and drink.  Brandon has worked very hard and was able to return to school part time for the 2016 fall semester, and again for the current 2017 spring semester.  He continues to receive examinations and undergo medical treatments on a monthly basis to control the inflamation and irritation in his brain.

Please help us help the Huels family.  A donation basket has been set up in the lobby.  All donations and proceeds from this production will go to the Huels family to help defray the costs of Brandon's medical bills.  We thank you in advance for your help.



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