This year's production of Peter Pan Jr. combined the unique and varied talents of over 50 students, parents, staff, community members and benefactors. We would not be able to create the show without all of you. The entire ensemble would like to say a very special Thank You to the following:
The Denoto Family
The Weis Family
Remax Premier Properties
Jim & Kathy Martin & Family
Greg & Stephanie Gotcher
Tina Drew & Family
Barbara & Michael Reesman
Troy Bruesewitz
Julie Divan and Innovations Dance Studio
-for teaching Peter to "fly"
Randy Tritz
-for setting up and maintaining all of the sound and light equipment
Mario Denoto
-for printing all of our programs
Mike Pinter
Haylofters, CATHE Center, Sun Prairie High School
-for lending us costumes
Kim's Costume Shop in West Allis
-for costume rental and creating Lost Boys vests & hats
Terri Lancour
-for giving up her afternoons and days off to help us backstage
David Lindow
-for putting up with us invading his gym
Principal Mary MacDonald
-for her dedication to the Arts here at St. Charles
Dan & Mike
-for putting up with all the crazy