Welcome to the wonderful world of Seuss! We are thrilled to be presenting to you Seussical Jr. as we celebrate this 4th production at St. Bernards! We are truly blessed to be a part of the theatre department here. It is a community of talented students as well as caring and giving parents.
We have enjoyed directing this show for numerous reasons. Seussical Jr. is a story that embodies many great messages that we can apply to our own lives. Several of the characters demonstrate this throughout the story.
In the story, Horton the elephant is constantly repeating the phrase, “A person’s a person no matter how small.” This is truly the embodiment of the story and our Christian beliefs. Just as Horton the elephant protects his little speck of dust and loves the people on it, God loves us and wants to keep us from harm. The Whos on their small speck must trust Horton to take care of them. In the same way, we must trust God to hold us in His hands and care for us. Both Jojo and Horton are faced with the pressure from others to give up that which they so firmly believe in. It is our responsibility to hold on to our faith despite the pressures that surround us each day.
As we share this message of faith and trust, we also get suspended in the world of Seuss where reality gives way to imagination and the best adjective to describe this show is FUN! As the cast sings the opening song, “Oh the Thinks You Can Think”, listen to the words. The imagination is a powerful tool and we should never give up dreaming. It is important to push ourselves to new heights. We must dare to dream and shoot for the moon so that we will land among the stars. Just as Jojo sings “Anything’s Possible”, we can know that with God ALL THINGS ARE POSSIBLE if we put our lives in His hands. We must use the gifts of imagination and creativity that God has instilled within us! We can do all things through Christ who strengthens us.
We have had a great time directing this show with the cast, crew and the supportive parents. We know that you will enjoy the catchy musical tunes as well as the outlandish Dr. Seuss stories that so many of us have grown to love. Sit back and enjoy this wonderful journey through the creative imagination of a child as we present to you, Seussical Jr.!
John & Kristie Jung