Jan Butts & The St. Barnabas After Care Staff – Thank you for your flexibility!
St. Barnabas School Teachers – Thank you for all that you do for our kids!
Parents of Mary Poppins, Jr. Cast & Crew Members – Thank you for your continuous and generous support of the St. Barnabas FSA Theater Arts Program! A special thanks to the many parents who volunteered with rehearsal supervision, clean-up, set strike, admissions, concessions, cast party, etc. and all the additional volunteers who served on our various play committees!
Matt Vogel – for the countless hours spent on researching & installing the new gym speakers, soundboard and microphones.
The Doody Family (Bill & Will) – Thank you for your patience, understanding, and support during the production of this year’s show.
...and others whose names we learned too late to include in this program book.