Godspell - April 19 - April 21, 2024

St. Anthony's Parish Players


The cast and crew of GODSPELL would like to highlight the following individuals for their support:


  • Rev. Joseph J. Deponai, Pastor, for his unfailing support of the Parish Players

  • Mr. Woodrow Hallaway, School Principal, for allowing us to use the school for rehearsals and the performance

  • Mrs. Ursula Magee, Director of Religious Education, for allowing us to use the Media Center

  • Laura Logue, parish secretary, for coordinating the schedules of all of the various parish and school groups

  • Jeb Dinsay, CYO Coordinator, for being so accommodating with sharing the gym facilities

  • Rev. Cresus FernandoRev. Antonio Ferrer, Rev. Dennis Donovan, SDB and Deacon Ray Masbad, Jr. for their encouragement and support

  • Jozef (Joe) StrzalkaGeorge and the rest of the crew for taking care of the facilities




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