Frozen Jr. - June 03 - June 04, 2022

St. Anthony of Padua School


Let the Sun Shine On  
A Little Bit of You  
First Joik  
Do You Want to Build a Snowman?  
For the First Time in Forever  
Dangerous to Dream  
Love is an Open Door  
Reindeer(s) Are Better Than People  
In Summer  
Let It Go  
For the First Time in Forever - Reprise  
Mountain Fall  
Kristoff's Joik  
Fixer Upper  
Colder by the Minute  
Finale - Part 1  
Finale - Part 2  



Welcome to our 2022 show, Frozen Jr. We are so grateful and blessed to be performing for you today.


This show has been such a roller coaster ride. We cast it back in February of 2020. Everything was going so great that we were half way done with blocking and far on choreography. I remember a day in mid-March working on a song called "Hygge" and being proud of all we had already done. The show was already coming together and would be phenomenal. But then something totally "not Hygge" hit all of us. 


Suddenly our school gates were closed and everyone had to be shut in behind closed doors just like our heriones in Frozen Jr. I joke that this musical has been frozen in time. It was frozen in the sense that we couldn't rehearse or perform. Some cast members graduated, some moved away from the school, others kept their roles hoping for rehearsal to finally commence for the first time in forever. 


The irony is not lost on me that Frozen Jr. is the show we picked right before the pandemic hit us. Now we all know exactly how Elsa and Anna felt when closed off from those they love and from society.


Part of me will always feel a loss. A loss of experiences and opportunities for the old cast memebers who couldn't be with us today. A loss of time for the two years that we've all missed with each other. However, at the end of the day, I'm always reminded to cherish every moment we have together.


This world sometimes can seem dark. There is a lot of fear, anger, and hate in the world today. I hope that this musical reminds us that love can break down every ounce of darkness. Ultimately, God is our light. He wants us to open the doors (since love is an open door after all), reach out, and share His light and love with everyone we meet. Like Elsa and Anna sing, "let's fill this world with light and love."


I hope this show fills you with hope, light, and love tonight. May God bless you! We are finally getting to sing once more! 


God Bless,


Mrs. Jessica Garcia

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